"Angels Unaware"

"Angels Unaware"

Friday, February 12, 2010


Did you know that thousands of abandoned, abused, sick, young and old animals are being gassed to death in Alabama Animal Facilities, commonly called "Shelters", or pounds? Do you know what a Gas Chamber is?

Did you know that the Alabama State Board of Veterinarian Medical Examiners lobbied to include gassing animals as an option to the humane method of injection by sodium pentobarbital, sodium pentobarbital with lidocaine, or other similar agents. Did you know that your Alabama State Legislators voted to pass these laws that would bring untold suffering, terror and elongated unimaginable pain to innocent, homeless animals; animals, who, through no fault of their own, found themselves alone and homeless?

It is disturbing enough to know that millions of companion animals are routinely killed, as if they were pests, in shelters each year. But for anyone who cherishes their beloved pet,the knowledge that defenseless animals, on their last leg - their last hope - will be put to death by an inhumane method like a gas chamber, is unbearable.

The use of gas chambers is considered barbaric in most civilized societies and is condemned by humane advocates and progressive animal facilities. In the USA, only nine states have officially banned the gassing of shelter animals: Delaware, Illinois, Maine, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia and Wyoming.

American Humane believes that euthanizing shelter animals by carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide is inhumane to the animal and harmful to humans and considers euthanasia by injection (EBI) to be the only acceptable and humane means of euthanasia for all shelter animals.So why does Alabama law insist upon using the gas chamber to kill impounded animals?

1 comment:

  1. A shame AL has no laws of protection for a dog or cat who happens to end up in animal control - terrible when its a gassing pound. Why isn't there a State authority and agency appointed to inspect conditions in AC, certainly investigate suspected neglect and downright cruel abuse that happens all the time in public animal facilites.
